General shopping:
At The Elite Box Company, anyone can order directly from our website. Whether you are just starting out, an established business or simply need boxes for your own personal use, you can order through us.
We accept payments through all major debit and credit cards, Internet Banking, UPI payments and Mobile Wallets.
If you have an account, you can log in and change your details. Unfortunately we are unable to change the delivery address on parcels that have already been shipped.
No, you don’t need to create an account to browse our website. However, if you would like to place an order, then you will be prompted to provide your contact and delivery details during the checkout process. Its best to register an account with us so that you can track the status of your order as well as any other previous order and use our quick reorder feature.
The prices on our website are the best rates available, along with tiered pricing for large quantities. For larger quantities not on the tiered pricing, please click on the “Contact us” page and fill the enquiry form.
We like to reduce waste, so a copy of your invoice is emailed at the time of order, if not visible, kindly check the spam folder.
Yes, If you are not able to process your order through our website due to a technical glitch, we’ll be more than happy to cater to you on WhatsApp. Send us a message on +91 8949641115.
That depends on where you are located. Our dispatch time can vary with Peak times, however we do strive to dispatch your order within 5-7 working days. You can check our full shipping policy here.
Dispatched orders can not be cancelled, If your product is not dispatched then you can WhatsApp us on +91 8949641115 and someone from our team will assist you.
Do note: A cancellation fee of Rs. 95 or 3% of the order amount will be charged (whichever is higher). This is mainly due to the MDR chrges that we incur.
Once an order has been processed and dispatched, an email will be sent by our side conforming the dispatch. You will then receive a mail and a text message by our courier partner that will consist the tracking number and link. Click on the link and enter your tracking number for up to date information on your delivery.
The shipping cost will vary depending on the size and weight of your order and its delivery destination. The final shipping cost will be visible to you on the Checkout page. Also, do follow us on our social media for coupons regarding FREE SHIPPING.
The best thing to do is to track your order using the consignment number in the dispatch notification email that you received by our delivery partner, as it may be on board for delivery. If you have any delivery queries or concerns please contact us at Info@EliteBoxCompany.com or text us on +91 8949641115 and we can assist with any courier issues. Please note, from time to time courier delays can occur, these are beyond our control, but if your order is delayed contact us and we will do our best to help.
Currently we only ship within India, but overseas shipping is something that we are working on.
Return and Exchanges:
Despite every effort our warehouse team makes to eliminate any damage during freight, this may occur from time to time. Simply raise a query from the “Contact us” page or write us on WhatsApp. Please detail the damages and attach photographs accordingly. We will then contact you to discuss further.
You can take a look at our return/exchange policy here
We only use high quality ITC Food Grade SBS paper board and premium kraft paper for our boxes and bags.
We list the internal dimensions for each of our products to give you the best indication as to whether they will be suitable for your products or not.
Yes, we do offer customisations. Just visit the Bespoke Packaging tab and raise a query. We’ll be more than happy to help you.